Returns And Refund Policy

Returning an Item

We want you to be happy with your purchase, but understand that cirumstances may change and you might wish to return an item.

  • We will happily refund any item sent back to us within 30 days of purchase, as long as the item is unused and undamaged. Please note that we are unable to refund the original delivery charge and cost of return.
  • Due to hygiene reasons, we are unable to accept returns on pierced earrings if they have been used.
  • If you wish to return an item please follow the below steps:
  • Inform us of the return via email ( Please ensure to state your name, order reference, address, phone number, item you wish to return and reason for the return.
  • Package the item securely and return to the address below.

Joe Do and Co.

81 Enfield Road, Derby



  • Take the package to the Post Office and use the appropriate shipping to cover loss, theft or damage, in case your return is lost in transit. We cannot refund you if we do not receive the return.
  • Allow up to 5 working days after we have received the return for refunds to be processed and reimbursed.

If you have any further questions regarding our returns policy, please contact us.


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